As a student, it might
be particularly difficult at times to select a topic for an essay that is sure
to impress your professors and save your grades. While a fair bit of
brainstorming is never too passé, do not stress your brains too much in case
you cannot come up with an engaging topic for your expository essay. The
following are some of the intriguing ideas to compose your expository essay on,
under a variety of disciplines and interests – you can choose from the list
below or frame one for your own following the pattern of the topics enlisted.
Science and
- Explain
why learning the basics of IT is essential for surviving a digital era
- What
is the significance of the research and studies about black holes?
- Describe
in detail the top five scientific innovations that changed the face of
humankind forever
- What
are the effects of 3D printing technology on medicine, manufacturing,
technology and fashion?
- Define
nanobots and explain their uses
- Describe
the evolution of the Internet and the changes following the rise of mobile
- Is
electric clothing a real invention?
- Define
string theory and present a discussion on the basic tenets of string
- How
has artificial intelligence and automation developed through the ages?
- Define
bioengineering and discuss the long-lasting impact of bioengineering
developments on humankind
- Explain
why space exploration missions are important for breakthroughs in space
- Discuss
the scientific developments brought about during Enlightenment in light of
the inventions and discoveries of three pioneer scientists
- Describe
the best processes and materials to build a sustainable structure that
will stand the test of time
- Discuss
the scientific project for storing information inside DNA structures in
living beings
- Explain
the arguments for and against the ethics of human cloning
Environment and
- What
are the most popular and viable sources of renewable energy?
- Explain
the causes and effects of greenhouse gas emissions and environmental
- What
are the impactful and long-lasting effects of global warming?
- What
should an ideal mobile application for contributing positively to the
environment function like?
- Describe
the categories of environment pollution along with feasible solutions to
curb them
- What
are the five gadgets that we should immediately stop using or reducing the
use of to curb global warming?
- Discuss
the agenda and outcome of three most significant Earth Summits with regard
to environmental issues
- What
are the reasons that more people should switch to solar energy for
household appliances and electric supplies?
- The
processes of managing industrial waste in cities and towns with dense
- Discuss
about the significance of ecosystems and the needs to preserve them
- What
are the main concerns for the preservation of habitats for endangered
species? Discuss the necessity of conserving endangered species in the
- Define
rainwater harvesting systems and the ways of water conservation through
rainwater harvesting
- If
you could design a futuristic car, what are the environment and
ecology-friendly features that you would like to add to it and why?
- Discuss
the goals and efficiency of an environmental programme undertaken by your
- How
is the population explosion going to affect perishable and non-renewable
energy resources in the world that lead to a resource shortage?
- Discuss
the development of the human brain and the changes that occur due to
growth and age
- What
are the preventive and treatment measures to be undertaken by governments
for new viruses such as Zika?
- Discuss
the significant developments in the research and studies to cure cancer
over the last two decades
- Define
vaccines and their functions and detail the uses of vaccines in medicine
- Pick
an incurable disease that you would like to cure if you could and explain
the reasons why
- What
are some of the most reliable home remedies for treating common cold on a
shoestring budget?
- Explain
the cause and effects of the malpractice by doctors who push the patients
to buy certain medicines to ensure profits for certain pharmaceutical
- Detail
the symptoms, diagnosis, and prognosis of a disease solely found in people
from developing countries
- Discuss
alternative medicine and form a comparative presentation on the types of
alternative medicine and their uses
- Explain
the effects of stress and hypertension among the youth in developed
- Discuss
the different types of stem cell and the possibilities that further
developments in stem cell research hold for the field of medicine
- Define
antioxidants and their roles in preventing dangerous ailments such as
- Discuss
the relationship between breastfeeding, better health and lower obesity
rates among children
- Illustrate
with examples the effects of taking part in competitive sports on the
reproductive system of men and women athletes
- Explain
the causes and symptoms of Parkinson’s disease and the best techniques for
treatment and care
- Discuss
the role of the Catholic Church in Europe during the Medieval ages
- What
was the impact of smallpox on the colonisation of the North and South
- Explain
the influences of Buddhism on the Chinese Empire
- What
is the significance of geography in shaping the history of Greece?
- Discuss
the premises of World War II set in the backdrop after the end of World
War I
- What
were the causes and effects of the economic slump in the USA in 1819?
- Explain
the role of the Golden Age in the development of Western Civilisation
- What
is your favourite era in history? Give reasons to support your choice.
- Discuss
the historical and social premises that led to Karl Marx composing the
Communist Manifesto
- What
were the influences of Enlightenment at the beginning of the French
- How
did the art patronage system work during the Renaissance?
- Form
a comparative analysis between the role of peasants in western Europe and
the serfs in Russia
- What
were the most significant reasons for the Civil War in the USA?
- Explain
the reasons for the division in the Soviet Union
- Discuss
the historical significance of the invention of newspapers
- Which
is favourite novel? Provide reasons and examples to support your answer.
- How
will you define the nature of true friendship and discuss one friendship
that you feel will stand the test of time?
- If
you had the chance of meeting an eminent personality, who will it be and
- Discuss
three of your favourite pastimes and state reasons supporting each.
- What
has been the influence of sports in your life?
- Describe,
in detail, your first day at school or college
- Which
country would you like to visit the most and why?
- Describe
a movie or a play that has left a lasting impression in your mind
- Pick
a memorial from your college or university and describe its history and
significance inside the campus
- Explain
how growing up with or without a sibling has helped shape your personality
and life
- What
are the most significant pieces of art from the Renaissance era and why?
- Explain
what the most important traits a person running for class president should
ideally possess
- Discuss
how you will come to aid of a friend who self-harms
- What
are the most significant factors to consider before selecting a college?
- Explain
the ultimate college survival kit for freshmen
- Discuss
the policies and consequences of a nationalised health insurance scheme in
your country
- What
are the rising influences of social media on the political life of
ministers and cabinet position holders?
- Delineate
the politics of scandals and how they are used by politicians to have an
extra edge over their political opponents
- Explain
the factors of political lobbying for the establishment of heavy
industries leading to environmental degradation in the developing
- What
are the ways of fighting corruption within the political systems?
- Discuss
how Donald Trump’s presidency is going to affect the political scenario in
the USA
- Define
the politics of power and present an overview of the power dynamics within
the political framework of a country of your choice
- Discuss
the interrelationship and causal factors for the relation between sports
and politics
- Explain
the impacts of television in the last two decades on the political
framework of your country
- Discuss
the role of politics in creating and propagating violence all over the
- What
is the importance of labour unions in politics? Define their role in
fighting for the rights of the oppressed through the ages.
- Explain
the nature and significance of the concepts of authority and
accountability in the political divide globally
- Discuss
four important ideas that can be used to reflect public opinion with
regard to politics
- What
is the role of politics in the society?
- Explain
the political angles at play in the invasions of western nations into
sovereign territories of the world through the ages
General topics
- Explain
the reasons why elderly people are living in poorer conditions in this
century than the last
- Define
the mentality of perceived obesity and explain the eating disorders found
in teens who are overly conscious about their body image
- What
are the main five reasons that couples break up more frequently nowadays?
- Prepare
an overview of the relation between imposing a dress code and increased
productivity in the workplace
- What
are the most likely consequences of performing poorly in classes?
- Describe
the ideal system of penalties for people who litter the streets and
- How
does the music taste of people influence their personalities?
- Define
substance abuse and state the reasons why teens from developing countries
are more susceptible to falling prey to addiction
- What
is philately and its benefits with a special emphasis on why it is
considered as outdated among the younger generation
- Explain
why learning a foreign language is considered to be indispensable nowadays
- Describe
the ideal safety measures that can be undertaken to prevent wildfires
during the summer
- Prepare
a detailed explanation on how to become an expert camper
- Explain
the ideal measures for rash driving and flouting of traffic rules by
intoxicated drivers
- What
are the impacts of the Internet in learning systems and traditional
- Describe
the positive and negative impact of materialism and consumerism with
suitable examples
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