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Showing posts from January, 2018

Amazing Definition Essay with Effective Tips and Topics

As it happens, choosing a topic or the focus term for the definition essay can be little hectic since you have to consider so many factors during the process. To make the entire process a little simpler for you, we have assembled a number of interesting topics that can help you get started with your definition essay. You can get a clear idea about what to look for while selecting the definition  essay writing  topic by going through the list, or you can simply pick one from this list and build your content on that topic. 1.      Procrastination: The Root of All Evil 2.      The definition of success 3.      The definition of marriage 4.      What does family mean? 5.      Attitude 6.      Platonic Love 7.      What does Religion stand for? 8.      The definition of infatuation 9.    ...

Intriguing ideas to compose your expository essay

As a student, it might be particularly difficult at times to select a topic for an essay that is sure to impress your professors and save your grades. While a fair bit of brainstorming is never too passé, do not stress your brains too much in case you cannot come up with an engaging topic for your expository essay. The following are some of the intriguing ideas to compose your expository essay on, under a variety of disciplines and interests – you can choose from the list below or frame one for your own following the pattern of the topics enlisted. Science and technology Explain why learning the basics of IT is essential for surviving a digital era What is the significance of the research and studies about black holes? Describe in detail the top five scientific innovations that changed the face of humankind forever What are the effects of 3D printing technology on medicine, manufacturing, technology and fashion? Define nanobots and explain...